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“Dr. Linda Klumpers, founder of cannabis research and education organization, Cannify, is on a mission to provide objective, science-based cannabis education to dispensaries and their customers.”
– Cannabis Dispensary Magazine|Cannify Uses Cannabis Education to Streamline Interactions Between Dispensaries and Their Customers
“The cannabis research and education organization announced this week that they have added a new feature that allows users to browse through more than 1,500 cannabis products available in the United States.”
– Cannabis Industry Journal|Cannify Adds 1,500+ Products to Database
“Cannify just made an important step in revolutionizing patients’ approach to cannabis science by introducing a new feature – the Cannify account.”
– Maryjane’s Post|New Feature for Cannabis Science Enthusiasts: The Free cannify Account
“Cannify has recently released a new quiz widget for cannabis-based websites to embed in their site.[…]This newly released widget allows users to learn which cannabis products are best suited for them.”
– Maryjane’s Post|Cannify Releases Quiz Widget for Cannabis-Based Websites
“Nonprofit and the world’s largest scientific society American Chemical Society (ACS) recognized leading women professionals in the cannabis industry.”
– MG Magazine|Women Cannabis Professionals Recognized by American Chemical Society
“[Klumpers] is a director for Cannify, a Denver-based educational platform for cannabis users. The young scientist has studied how the human body reacts to certain combinations of terpenes and cannabinoids.”
– Westword|American Chemical Society Offers Scholarship for Cannabis Chemists
“The 15-minute test recommends dosages and types of products based on answers backed by scientific research.”
– The Riveter|Rocky Mountain High: The Women Leading Denver’s Legal Cannabis Industry
“[Klumpers] advises women seeking a career in the industry to ‘be critical and ask questions.’ The cannabis industry is novel and attracts people who are seeking ‘adventure and a better way to do things, but it also attracts people who want money, money. You see a lot of unprofessional behavior.’”
– Chemical and Engineering News|Women shaping the cannabis industry
“There is no one-size-fits-all answer to which medical cannabis products are best for a given patient, but if you base your decision on science and pay attention to the importance of dosing, you can make much more informed — and safer — decisions about your treatment, according to Dr. Linda Klumpers.”
– The Cannigma|How the Same THC Dose Can Have Different Effects
“Cannabis Science and Technology sat down with Dr. Klumpers to discuss her interest in neuroscience, her most significant work, success stories from Cannify, an online science-matching tool, and more.”
– Cannabis Science and Technology|Cannabinoids + Clinical Pharmacology: A Q&A with Dr. Linda Klumpers
“With my Ph.D. in cannabis pharmacology, I wanted to add a level of objectivity to cannabis education and research. Cannify’s goals are to understand the science of cannabis, and share this with others.”
– Cannabis Industry Journal|Cannabinoid Research & Pharmacology: A Q&A with Dr. Linda Klumpers
“I am working on better understanding the predictability of cannabis efficacy by analyzing survey data with Cannify, as well as working on clinical studies that aim to give us more answers.”
– American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine|Updates on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Cannabis
“Klumpers’ research of THC levels in the blood through inhaled and ingested cannabis adds to the mystery of 11-hydroxy-THC.”
– Kitchen Toke Magazine|Molecular Gastronomy
“Sometimes you see these claims, also for vaginal products, that say they will get fully absorbed, meaning they will get everywhere in your body, [but] they will not make you high. And we’re talking about 60 mg of THC. So something that’s 60 mg of THC [should] make you very, very [high].”
– Casually Baked|The Power of V: A Discussion on Women’s Equality
“Who knew there’s so much science in simple pot smoking?”
– MyJane|Dr. Linda Klumpers on Cannabis Science
“Learn how cannabis and cannabinoids affect the body.”
– Curious About Cannabis|Linda Klumpers, PhD, on Cannify, Cannabinoid Pharmacology, Cannabis for Pain
“Cannify is an interactive web-based tool that allows you to find the best cannabis product for your specific need.”
– Cannainsider|Dutch Scientist Creates Interactive Tool To Help you Find your Ideal Cannabis Match
“Dr. Linda Klumpers studies cannabinoids, watches the changes in human brains using MRI machines and educates about the importance of the lipids from the old hemp plant.”
– The Greener Grass|Dr. Linda Klumpers – Cannabinoid Chemist
– Cannabis Quality Virtual Conference, USA 2020|Studying Drug Effects: Clinical Pharmacology Insights
– ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo, USA 2020|The Best practices in Studying Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics and Dosing
– ISCPh: Clinical Cannabinoid Pharmacy, USA 2020|Phytocannabinoid Formulations and Pharmacodynamics
– MJBizCon, Science Symposium, USA 2019|Formulations & Finished Products
– International Association for Cannabis as Medicine, Germany 2019|Analysis of Covariates Associated with Self-reported Cannabis Use Disorder Symptoms – Study Overview
– Medical Cannabiz World, Malta 2019|How Safe is Medical Cannabis?
– 29th Annual Symposium of the International Cannabinoid Research Society, USA 2019|Analysis of Covariates Associated with Self-reported Cannabis Use Disorder Symptoms – Presenting Results
– Patients out of Time, USA 2019|Panels: Whole Plant Medicine and Testing and Quality
– Masterclass Medicinal Cannabis for Business, the Netherlands 2019|Patients and Physicians in North America
– Emerald Conference, USA 2019|Pharmacological Formulation Strategies for Effective Cannabis-based Products
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